
The Friendship Every Child Deserves: EdTech Platforms & The School System

As our Education system reshifts its focus to holistic learning, is the time finally ripe for our school systems and EdTech platforms to join hands together?

In recent years, the core strength of the Indian schooling system has come to light on a global scale. But while online learning platforms are flourishing with high student engagement (especially after the pandemic), schools have been struggling with mass technology adoption and attention per student.

On the face of it, EdTech and Schools are rivals. But in reality, their coexistence heralds an era where the goal of holistic, accessible learning becomes paramount. Adaptive learning tools meet our robust teaching machinery!


Matched for the Greater Good

Here is what the future of this friendship holds in store for every student:

  1. Personalisation Gets A Desk in Every Classroom
    EdTech learning modules allow the makers to personalise the curriculum and the overall method of narration. It means, based on the learning capacity and the preferences of the students, the programs can be configured. This even increases the learning speed of kids significantly.
  2. Adaptive Learning & Gamification
    EdTech platforms allow interactive sessions to be constructed and shared with students. While on the other hand, the gamification of EdTech makes it easy for teachers to impart knowledge as it helps develop practical applications that are externally adaptive.
  3. A Boom in Interaction and Engagement
    Not only can kids interact with their teachers on a personal level but can also with other students. Plus the utilisation of technology itself plays an essential role in keeping the kids engaged.
  4. Classrooms Become Limitless
    It is no longer necessary to share the learning experience only with students from your own city or class. One can expand to new horizons and open up virtual classrooms or learning programs for anyone and everyone in the world.

Taking a step towards this purpose, MiVirtue has become the Value Partner to several schools across the nation, empowering hundreds of students with pedagogy-backed, expert-led, and unique learning plans.

Some friendships are done, many more to go!

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